Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Painting Without a Hope..

I remember the days when I used to be creative to meet the needs of other people. I worked bloody hard for 5 years on imaginative campaigns to break into the Advertising world to prove to myself, and to others, that my creativity was worth something.

Nowadays, in my spare time, I just put brush to canvas and hope that my next creation will be something I'm proud of.

However in the beginning on this canvas... it wasn't looking good:

I hated it.

Then I persevered...

...and it developed into something I was proud to show my family and friends...

Then I posted it online... and someone bought it.

I know that all that hard work at (and after) uni has ultimately given me a job I could have had before my degree.

I know I'm not earning as much as those Art Directors and Copywriters are who did manage to get something from it.

But selling something that I made just to please myself, something I thought didn't have a hope in hell of making it out of my house
(unless it was in a bin bag)

is a real kick.

Tuesday 10 January 2012


A commission for a lovely family.

Friday 15 April 2011

Momma Spark.

A portrait of my Mum, done in acrylics on canvas for Mothers day.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Ah yes! I have a blog!

Here are the pick of the pieces I have done since my last post! 

The most recent...

A painting done on a plate while I was in Narbeth.

Tessa the family dog!

The rose that I had envisioned going on the wall in my lounge since moving to Carmarthen.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

“Age imprints more wrinkles in the mind than it does on the face.”

Here's an A4 pencil drawing I've done of my Nan who suffers from dementia, which means that her mind isn't quite there all the time and it's only getting worse. There are drugs that she could have been taking to slow down the effects of the disease but like so many drugs on the NHS they're just too expensive to prescribe.

Hoping to get some decent work together on a campaign to generate awareness of Alzheimers related illnesses..

Wednesday 8 July 2009


A trip up the London eye provided some classic skylines:

Some old chestnuts:

And some different perspectives:


More classic art as I go back to basics with my art direction....

Monday 8 June 2009

And now for something completely different...

I'd forgotten how therapeutic painting is! Done in acrylic on a 20 x 20cm canvas.

Once we hear back from Dream Savers International I shall post up the brief, my work and some information about the charity. All for a good cause!

Now we're on a new work week and I'm getting going on the new branding and logo brief which will get its very own entry too! Having lots of fun at the moment!

Friday 5 June 2009

Busy Bird

Been a bit busy recently working on logos for Dream Savers International, a charity that I will give more detail on another time when I'm not quite so sleepy.

Oh and there's also another logo and branding project in the pipeline too for a guy who spotted Sparkidoodle! Winner! More on that another time too.

This bird is going to bed.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

A Pig Mistake...

Another t shirt design idea for Pete drawn in pencil by yours truly. I might scan it in and play with it next...

Link to his site on the left hand side but in case you missed it click here.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Sex, Drugs and...

Had a play around in Photoshop for another one of my t shirt designs...

Monday 18 May 2009


A possible t shirt design done in Illustrator for my ex tutor and good mate
Pete McCabe at The Mickey.

Friday 15 May 2009

Cups of feeling.

Don't tell anyone but this was actually a doodle from a year ago.

I just really like it.

Now shoosh.